Saturday, December 7, 2013


I am beyond excited to start blogging, but even more excited to get my blog up and running! As we all have experienced from joining any social network, starting up an account and following people is perhaps the hardest step. Although it can be challenging at times, I am very anxious to learn how to format and change fonts and backgrounds on my blog. The ability to change your account in the click of a button is just so exciting! Please follow me and comment below any tips you have for a starting blogger! 


  1. Your first post is always exciting! I love your background! If you need any blogging advice feel free to email me :).


  2. Love the blog already! I think we are around the same age and I just started my blog too. Thanks for following mine, I'll be sure to follows yours too! I'll also add your site to the list of blogs I read on my blog. Good luck!!!


  3. Make sure you add the follow gadget! And also turn off your tracking of how many time you view your own page because it's more fun to see how many times other people view your blog not just you. If you have any questions let me know!


  4. Love the adorable background you have! Definitely join Bloglovin for your blog if you haven't already!

    ~ Caroline

  5. Congrats on creating a blog! It is really such a fun process-- creating the space where you blog, writing the posts, taking the pictures...It is really a process like no other. Try not to get caught up in followers and pageviews because it is not always about who is reading it, it is about what you're producing! The beginning of blogging is the most important because it is when you begin to create your identity as a blog, so have fun! Definitely make a Bloglovin' profile and a Lookbook if you plan on doing outfit posts! Feel free to shoot me an email/ message/ comment if you ever want to talk/ have any questions!

    xo, Nicole

  6. East Coast girls represent! You seem so graceful and well-written for a first post on your blog! Quite impressive. Keep up the good work, and feel free to check out my blog and let me know of any advice that you have in terms of styling!
    Cheers and Good Luck!
